Farlow CE Primary school was judged by Ofsted to offer an outstanding range of extra curricular activities.
We offer a range of after school and lunchtime clubs every term which cater for all ages and interests. Many clubs are run by Lacon Childe school sports coaches, the teaching staff of the school with volunteers from the local community. The clubs are enjoyed by all pupils and are well supported. The range of clubs on offer varies each term so that there is something for everyone.
Some of our recent clubs have included:
Pupils in years 3 and 4 have had the opportunity to go on a 2 night residential visit to a local outdoor activity/adventure centre, where they take part in a range of outdoor activities including caving, rock climbing, abseiling, raft building, stand up paddle boarding, kayaking/canoeing, forest camp. Pupils in years 5 & 6 also get the opportunity to go further afield on an outdoor residential centre and a city residential visit most recently to Cardiff and York.
Pupils in both classes get the opportunity to attend many day trips to support their curriculum learning.
We offer weekly forest school sessions and participate in the John Muir Award which is a UK-wide environmental award scheme focused on wild places. It encourages people from all backgrounds to connect with, enjoy and care for wild places in a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration. When used in a school setting it supports experiential learning outside the classroom; it acknowledges and celebrates achievement in, and beyond, formal education.
The school puts on a Christmas performance in St Giles' Church every year and organises a Summer Festival which involves members of staff, governors, parents and other members of the local community.
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