29th May, 2020
Dear Parents
Further to the Prime Minister’s briefing yesterday during which he stated the five tests had been met, I am writing to confirm that we will be opening to the wider groups of eligible pupils on Monday June I : reception, year 1 and 6. We will also continue to be offering places for the children of key workers. In order to maintain and follow safe social distancing procedures in our setting the groups are returning on a rota basis. Year 6 will form one discrete group and be taught by Mr Pygott on a Monday and Mrs Davies on Tuesday. Reception and year one will form another group and be taught by Mrs Smith from Wednesday to Friday. The children of key-workers who have been attending will be supervised by members of our support staff team and Mrs Davies.
In order to reduce social contact, daily routines will ensure that these groups are not in any contact with each other. Please ensure you have read the information sent out before half term which outlined the times for drop off and collection times and which outlined what to wear and bring to school. With the weather forecast to be dry and warm in the coming week, we will be spending a lot of time doing outdoor learning so please make sure sun cream has been applied and a sun hat is worn. If your child has medication, please make sure that is returned to school in a clearly labelled container to be retained in school. A healthy packed lunch is required every day and a piece of fruit can be brought in for break time and a water bottle clearly labelled with your child’s name.
We look forward to welcoming the pupils who are returning back to school, however for those year groups and pupils not returning, we will continue to provide work on the Seesaw platform from Monday. However, please bear in mind that we may not be able to respond as quickly to work uploaded due to our commitments to groups in school. If you require any more books or resources, please contact the school by phone or email. We shall also be putting together some small science kits together to support the children’s learning on electricity in science this half term. When these resources have arrived, we will arrange a time and place when these materials can be collected from school.
Thank you for continued support with your child/rens’ learning as we take small measured careful steps to re-opening our setting. We can all play our part in this process by acting according to the guidelines set out if anyone suspects a child or adult is showing symptoms of Covid 19. Thank you for your support in adhering to these important measures to keep our pupils, staff and wider community safe.
Yours sincerely,
Alison Davies
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