Autumn term 2022
Our vision:
Learn to love-Love to learn
Welcome to the Autumn term and a warm welcome to the new pupils and families who have joined the school. We have an exciting term of learning opportunities planned for the term ahead.
We would like to say a big thank you to all those involved in planning and organising the fete and show. Once again it was a great community event. We really appreciate the contributions made by everyone and the funds raised enable us to plan trips to enhance the learning across the school.
This term we have so far revised and updated our child protection and safeguarding procedures with all staff members. We are also renewing our Safer Schools certificate through working closely with Ian Bartlett and members of the Governing Body and yourselves to review our site.
We have also been revising our self-evaluation form in preparation for our SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection which is due at any time and will certainly be done at some point during this academic year.
Members of our Ethos Committee, including members of the Governing Body and the local ministry team, have met already this term to review and make plans for provision in worship and to evaluate the impact of our vision on the curriculum and the life of the school.
We have signed up to the Artsmark Award scheme. We will be doing online training this term to explore how the scheme works and how we can develop our provision further to achieve the highest level of this award.
We are also focusing on computing this term and we will be purchasing some more resources to complement the ones we already have in school to teach coding across the school. We are going to attend some further training to review and evaluate our provision for computing and target the outcomes from this process.
Earlier this term you received a letter from the Chair of Governors explaining the changes in leadership that are going to take place across the federation from January 2023. Mrs Davies will still have a three day teaching commitment which will be based at Farlow. Two days will be designated for the leadership and management role across the two settings.
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