School Reopening: September 2020
We are now making plans for the full return of pupils in September 2020. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back and we want to make the transition back as smooth as possible. We appreciate that for many of you it has been a very long break and it will all feel a little bit strange returning to school. However, we will do everything we can to help support you with this step in September. Our first step is to outline some of the key measures we are putting in place for the start of the new term.
The School Day
School transport
Arrival and Collection
School lunch arrangements
We would like to update you on the plans for school dinners from September. We will no longer be collecting our dinners from Cleobury Mortimer Primary School. From September, Lacon Childe School is taking on the responsibility of providing school dinners for the Academy schools within the Trust. They have also agreed to support us by providing our school dinners from the kitchens at Lacon Childe. We are currently liaising with the catering manager to set this up.
In September when all pupils return back to school we would like the pupils in KS2 to bring their own healthy packed lunch in from home for the Autumn term. This will enable us to eat outside when the weather is suitable and to reduce the pressure on space during the lunch time period.
The children in KS1 and children on free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch sourced from Lacon Childe School for the first half of term. This will then give us time to sort out menus during the first half of term in preparation to collect and serve cooked meals to KS1 after the half term break.
The packed lunches provided will be similar to those we have had in the past. There will be a choice of three sandwich fillings (Ham, cheese or Jam), a cake, a piece of fruit and a drink. Children also have the option to bring their own packed lunch in from home if they prefer not to have the one provided. In KS1 and FSM children, we will need to know your child’s requirement for each week on the first day of the week, so we can order accordingly.
We will be constantly reviewing our school dinner arrangements with Lacon Childe School from September. We hope to have a hot school meal option available to all pupils by the beginning of the Spring term. We thought we would introduce the cooked meals in a phased manner so that we can manage it effectively whilst also giving careful consideration to the safety of the staff and pupils.
Healthy packed lunch and snack
Break times.
Clothing and Equipment
What to Bring and Wear to School
Social Distancing and Hygiene
Class organisation
We will put photographs of our classrooms onto the school website once they have been set up for the new school year. Our new furniture is not due until the middle of August.
The School Day and Learning
What happens if pupils or staff show symptoms?
Wraparound Care
The wraparound provision will start operating from the second week of term which is the week beginning Monday 7th September.
We hope this information will help with the transition process. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about any of the outlined above. You can email us and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Obviously, these plans may be subject to change but we will keep you informed of any developments via email if required.
In the meantime, we hope you have a lovely summer break and continue to stay safe and well.
Yours sincerely,
Alison Davies
Head teacher
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